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What is the Level of Carbon Dioxide in Air?

What is the Level of Carbon Dioxide in Air?


Air is a Mixture Of gases. The largest component of air is nitrogen which is about 78 percent 21 percent of air is the oxygen gas. Many other gases like carbon dioxide helium, Etc.Form remaining one percent of air.Each gas in the air keeps its individual identity and can be seprated besides gases, air also contains water vapours, particles of dust, smoke and pollen grains

Level of Carbon dioxide In Air: The amount of carbon dioxide (Co2) in the air is 0.03 to 0.04 percent, All Green plants use this carbon dioxide to make their food during photosynthesis. Nature has managed the level of carbon dioxide by different methods. All organisms evolve this gas during respiration. By the burning of wood, coal and oil, carbon dioxide is produced,


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