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Finality of Prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

                                  Finality of Prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)                                                                                      
Almighty Allah is the Creator and the Lord of the worlds. He sent approximately 124,000 Prophets and Messengers to different parts of the world in every era to guide mankind. He sent Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) as the Last and Final Prophet and Messenger. Therefore there will be no further Prophets or Messengers after him. The door of Prophethood and Messenger-ship has been closed permanently. 
Khatm-e-Nubuwwat: Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the Last and Final Prophet of God. This is called “Khatm-e-Nubuwwat”. The process of appointing and sending Prophets and Messengers has been terminated and sealed. None will be appointed as a prophet after the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and his Prophethood will continue until Dooms Day and  beyond. Only those who believe in “Khatm-e-Nubuwwat” can claim to be Muslims. According to the Islamic faith; anyone who claims to be a prophet or messenger after the Holy Prophet (pbuh) is a liar and an impostor, and whoever believes in this falsehood is a non -Muslim and has nothing to do with Islam.
According to the Ahadith of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) there will be 30 false prophets after him; they will be misguided themselves and will mislead others.
Soon after the departure of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) from this world, there were people like Musaylamah Kazzaab, Aswad Ansi and Sajjah who claimed that they were prophets. There was a battle of Yamamah during the Caliphate of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA) in which 700 Huffaz Sahabah (Sahabah who had memorized the whole Quran) sacrificed their lives to protect the fundamental belief of Khatm-e-Nubuwwat.
Belief of Khatm-e-Nubuwwat in Islam is so important that there are 130 verses of the Holy Quran and more than 210 Ahadith of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) that refer to the finality of the Holy Prophet ‘s (pbuh) Prophethood.
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the Last Prophet of God
AL-QURAN: Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last of the Prophets (ending the chain of the Prophets). And Allah is the Perfect Knower of everything.  1
HADITH-1: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said: My example and the example of other Prophets is like the one who constructed a great, grand and beautiful palace but left the place of one brick in one of the corners. People came to see the palace and went around it. They praised its beauty and grandness very much but said this one brick is missing.” The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “I am that brick and I am the last of the Prophets.   2
  1. (al-Ahzaab 33:40) 2. (Bukhari, No: 3342)
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 HADITH-2: Anas Ibn Malik (RA) reported that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: Verily, Messengership and Prophethood are terminated, so there shall be neither a Messenger nor a Prophet after me. 1
HADITH-3: The Holy Prophet (pbuh)  said: I am the Last of the Prophets and you are the last  Ummah.  2
HADITH-4: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said: I am the Last of the Prophets and my Mosque is the Last of the mosques of the Holy Prophets.  3
Prophecy of the Holy Prophet (pbuh)
HADITH-5: Sayyiduna Thobaan (RA) reported that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: In my Ummah there shall arise thirty liars, each of them will claim to be a Prophet, but I am the last of the Prophets; there is no Prophet after me


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