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Finality of Prophethood of the  Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)                                                                                    
Almighty Allah is the Creator and the Lord of the worlds. He sent approximately 124,000 Prophets and Messengers to different parts of the world in every era to guide mankind. He sent Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) as the Last and Final Prophet and Messenger. Therefore there will be no further Prophets or Messengers after him. The door of Prophethood and Messenger-ship has been closed permanently. 
Khatm-e-Nubuwwat: Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the Last and Final Prophet of God. This is called “Khatm-e-Nubuwwat”. The process of appointing and sending Prophets and Messengers has been terminated and sealed. None will be appointed as a prophet after the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and his Prophethood will continue until Dooms Day and  beyond. Only those who believe in “Khatm-e-Nubuwwat” can claim to be Muslims. According to the Islamic faith; anyone who claims to be a prophet or messenger after the Holy Prophet (pbuh) is a liar and an impostor, and whoever believes in this falsehood is a non -Muslim and has nothing to do with Islam.
According to the Ahadith of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) there will be 30 false prophets after him; they will be misguided themselves and will mislead others.
Soon after the departure of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) from this world, there were people like Musaylamah Kazzaab, Aswad Ansi and Sajjah who claimed that they were prophets. There was a battle of Yamamah during the Caliphate of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA) in which 700 Huffaz Sahabah (Sahabah who had memorized the whole Quran) sacrificed their lives to protect the fundamental belief of Khatm-e-Nubuwwat.
Belief of Khatm-e-Nubuwwat in Islam is so important that there are 130 verses of the Holy Quran and more than 210 Ahadith of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) that refer to the finality of the Holy Prophet ‘s (pbuh) Prophethood.
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)                                                                  is the Last Prophet of God
AL-QURAN: Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last of the Prophets (ending the chain of the Prophets). And Allah is the Perfect Knower of everything.  1
HADITH-1: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said: My example and the example of other Prophets is like the one who constructed a great, grand and beautiful palace but left the place of one brick in one of the corners. People came to see the palace and went around it. They praised its beauty and grandness very much but said this one brick is missing.” The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “I am that brick and I am the last of the Prophets.   2
1. (al-Ahzaab 33:40)                                                            2. (Bukhari, No: 3342)
 HADITH-2: Anas Ibn Malik (RA) reported that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: Verily, Messengership and Prophethood are terminated, so there shall be neither a Messenger nor a Prophet after me. 1
HADITH-3: The Holy Prophet (pbuh)  said: I am the Last of the Prophets and you are the last  Ummah.  2
HADITH-4: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said: I am the Last of the Prophets and my Mosque is the Last of the mosques of the Holy Prophets.  3
Prophecy of the Holy Prophet (pbuh)
HADITH-5: Sayyiduna Thobaan (RA) reported that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: In my Ummah there shall arise thirty liars, each of them will claim to be a Prophet, but I am the last of the Prophets; there is no Prophet after me.  4  
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani: A false prophet
At the start of the 19th century a man called Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani (1839 – 1908) falsely claimed that he was a prophet and gave false interpretation to the word “Khaatamun-Nabiyyeen” (Finality of Prophethood) by claiming that it meant ‘the stamp of Prophethood’. The Qadiyani’s falsely believe that The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has a stamp and when he stamps a person he becomes a prophet, they believe that Mirza Qadiyani received prophethood through that stamp (God forbid).
   1. (Tirmadhi, No: 2272)           2. (Ibn Majah, No:4077)
   3. (Muslim, No:1394)               4. (Tirmadhi, No: 2219, Abu Dawood, No: 4252)
Qadiyani, Mirzai, Ahmadi: Mirza Qadiyani was born in 1839 or 1840 in a town called Qadiyan in Gordaspur, East Punjab in India. His full name was Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani. His followers are called “Mirzais” because of his name Mirza, “Qadiyanis” because of the town Qadiyan and “Ahmadis” because of his name Ghulam Ahmed. His father’s name was Mirza Ghulam Murtaza and his mother’s name was Charagh Bibi.
Why do Qadiyanis like to call themselves                                                            “Ahmadis” or “Ahmadi Muslims”?
Qadiyanis like to refer to themselves as ‘Ahmadi Muslims’ (and/ or “Ahmadiyah”; Jamat Ahmadiyyah”). Hence those who have little knowledge about Qadiyanis may become easily confused by these names and think that they are a real Muslim sect.  However in reality since Qadiyanis DO NOT believe that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the Last Prophet and falsely claim Mirza Qadiyani as their prophet; they enter into disbelief and are Non -Muslims.
Qadiyanis have nothing to do with Islam but pretend to be Muslims in order to deceive common Muslim masses. Qadiyanis can be compared to a person who sells pork but pretends that it is 'Halal meat' or  who sells alcohol and pretends that it is apple juice. The Muslim Ummah has always unanimously agreed that Qadiyanis are Non-Muslims and have nothing to do with Islam.
Mirza Qadiyani made thirteen different claims. Initially he claimed that he belonged to mainstream Sunni Islam but then step by step he changed his claims and alleged that: he was a Mujaddid (Revivalist of Islam); the Promised Messiah (Jesus); the awaited Imam Mahdi and then eventually he openly declared himself a prophet. He even went as far as claiming that he was the last prophet and expressed he was ‘better’ than the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Qadiyanis themselves are confused about whether to believe Mirza Qadiyani was a Promised Messiah, Imam Mahdi or a prophet!
Mirza Qadiyani’s contradictory claims are documented in Qadiyani literature. Qadiyani preachers misguide common people by employing these different claims as and when it suits them to convince individuals.
Therefore there was a great need to write a concise and evidenced-based booklet to make Muslim communities in the west aware of the falsehood of the Qadiyanis.  May Allah protect the Muslim Ummah from the mischief of false prophets until the Day of Judgment.


Mirza Qadiyani's False Claims
Mirza Qadiyani was a confused individual.  His own followers could not keep up with his multitude of false claims. He changed a hundred faces. Even an actor could not uphold so many different roles. Below are examples of his contradictory claims that have been taken from his books and the literature of his followers:
Claim-1: Maseeh Mowood (Mirza Qadiyani) is not a separate thing from the Holy Prophet (pbuh), but it is he himself who has come again in this world in Buroozi form....therefore is there any doubt that God has sent the Holy Prophet (pbuh) again in Qadiyan?  1
Claim-2: Now it is clear that if rejecting the Holy Prophet (pbuh) is disbelief then rejecting the Promised Messiah should also be disbelief, because the Promised Messiah is nothing separate from the Holy Prophet (pbuh), but it is him and if he who rejects the Promised Messiah (Mirza Qadiyani) is not Kafir then the rejecter of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) is also not Kafir, God forbid. 2
Claim-3: Thus does any doubt remain that God has sent Muhammad (pbuh) again in Qadiyan to fulfill his promise. 3

1. (Kalimat-ul-Fasl 104-105, Review of Religion, Qadiyan, Mar-Apr 1915)
2. (Kalit-ul-Fasl, 146-147, Review of Religion, Qadiyan, Mar-Apr 1915)
3. (Kalimat-ul-Fasl by Mirza Basheer Qadiyani, Review of Religions 105, vol:14, No:3)
Claim-4:  The entity of the promised Messiah (Mirza Qadiyani), in the sight of Allah is the entity of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). In other words, in the records of Allah there is no duality or difference between the promised Messiah and the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Rather they both share the same eminence, the same rank, the same status and the same name. Although verbally they are two, yet in reality they are one and the same.   1
Claim-5: The bases for our claim is not Hadith but Quran and that revelation which comes to me. Yes, in support we also present those Ahadith which are according to Quran and do not contradict my revelation. Rest of the Ahadith, I throw them away like a waste paper.  2
Claim-6: The mental development of the Promised Messiah (Mirza Qadiyani) was higher than that of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). And this is only a part of the superiority which the Promised Messiah has over the Holy Prophet (pbuh). The mental faculties of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) could not manifest fully owing to the deficiency of civilization; although the ability existed. They have now manifested themselves fully through the Promised Messiah by virtue of the advancement of civilization.  3
Claim-7: Blessed is he who has recognized me. Of all the paths to God, I am the last path, and of all his lights, I am the last light. Unfortunate is he who forsakes me, because without me all is darkness.  4
1. (al-Fazl, Qadiyan, vol:3, No:37, dated 16th September 1915, page:207,              9th edition, Lahore)                               
2. (Roohani Khazain, vol;19, page:140)
3. (Review of Religion, May 1929, page;266, 9th edition, Lahore)
4. (Kashti-e-Nooh, Roohani Khazain, vol:19, page:61)
Claim-8: These quotations prove that except for the Promised Messiah (Mirza Qadiyani) no one else can be a prophet after the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Only one prophet was necessary and the coming of too many prophets would have hindered the wisdom and schemes of God.  1
Claim-9: In Buroozi form (shadow form), I am the same prophet, the Khatm-ul-Anbiya (Last of the Prophets). And twenty years ago God named me Muhammad and Ahmed in Braheen-e-Ahmediya, and declared that I am the Holy Prophet's incarnation. Thus my prophet-hood in no way clashes with the status of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) as the Last of Prophets, because a shadow is inseparable from the original. Since I am Muhammad in a 'shadow form', thus this way the seal of the Last of the Prophets is not broken, because the Prophethood of Muhammad remained with Muhammad.   2
Claim-10: But the fact is that the spirituality of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) (in the form of Mirza Qadiyani) at this end of the sixth millennium, that is in these days is much more stronger and perfect and forceful as compared to those (first) years, like a full moon.  3
Claim-11: People go for ordinary and supererogatory (Nafil) Hajj. But in this place (Qadiyan) the reward is more than Nafil Hajj and to remain neglectful is harmful and dangerous since the way (of Qadiyanism) is divine and the order is from God.  4
1. (Tash'heed-ul-azhan, Qadiyan, No:8, vol:12, page:11, August 1917)
2. (Ek Ghalati ka Izala, Roohani Khazain, vol:18, page:212)
3. (Khutba-e-Ilhamiyah, Roohani Khazain, vol:16, page:271)
4. (Roohani Khazain, vol:5, page:352)
Claim-12: With the coming of the promised Messiah, one difference (in the meaning of Kalimah) has occurred and that is that before the advent of Promised Messiah (Mirza Qadiyani), in the meaning of “Muhammadur Rasoolullah” only Prophets of bygone days were included. But with the advent of the Promised Messiah, one more prophet has been added to the meaning of Muhammadur Rasoolullah.....thus to enter in Islam it is still the same Kalimah. The only difference is that the advent of Promised Messiah has added one more prophet to its meaning...we don't need a new Kalima, because the Promised Messiah is nothing separate from the Holy Prophet (pbuh), as he says: Saara wudoodi wujoodahu (my person became his person) and he who differentiates between me and Mustafa has not seen me and not recognized me...thus the Promised Messiah is Muhammad Rasoolullah himself who has come again in this world to spread Islam, therefore we do not need any new Kalima. Yes if someone else had come then we may have required it...thus think all of you.  1
Claim-13: God has designated me as a manifestation of all prophets and has ascribed the names of all the prophets to me. I am Adam, I am Seth, I am Noah, I am Abraham, I am Isaac, I am Ismael, I am Jacob, I am Joseph, I am Moses, I am David, I am Jesus and I am the perfect manifestation of the name of Holy Prophet (pbuh), that is as I am Muhammad and Ahmed.  2
Claim-14: In this era God wanted the virtues of all those truthful honorable Prophets who have passed to appear in the person of one man, so that is me.  3
1. (Kalima-ul-Fasl, page:158 by Mirza Basheer Qadiyani)
2. (Footnote, Haqeeat-ul-Wahi, page:72, Roohani Khazain, vol:22, page:76)
3. (Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, part:5, page:90, Roohani Khazain, vol:21, page:117-118)
Claim-15: I swear upon the Being in whose hands is my life, if Messiah son of Mary had been in my age, the task that I can perform he would never have been able to do and the signs that are being exhibited by me, he would have never displayed them.  1
Claim-16: God has sent the Promised Messiah for this Ummah (Muslim community) who is far superior in his majesty from the first Isa (Jesus) and he has named the second Isa as Ghulam Ahmed.   2
Claim-17: Lo! The Yusuf (Joseph) of this nation (Ummah) i.e. my humble self (Mirza Qadyani) is superior to the Israeli Yusuf  since I was saved of incarceration despite praying for it and Yusuf bin Yaqub (Joseph son of Jacob) was sent to prison.  3
Swearing Muslims: Except for the children of prostitutes, whose hearts have been sealed by God everyone else believes in me and has accepted me.  4
Blasphemy of the Holy Quran: Quran is God's Book and words of my mouth.  5
Blasphemy of Jesus: Stop mentioning (Isa) son of Mary, Ghulam Ahmed is better than him.  6
Blasphemy of Jesus: O Christian missionaries! Let’s not say 'Our Lord Jesus' anymore and observe that there is one
1. (Haqeeqt-ul-Wahi, page:45, Roohani Khazain, vol;22, page:47)
2. (Dafe-al-Bala 13:233)          3. (Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyah 5:99)
4. (Roohani Khazain, vol:5, page:547)
5. (Advertisement 15th March 1897, Roohani Khazain, vol;22, page;87)
6. (Dafe-al-Bala, page:20, Roohani Khazain, vol:18, page:240)
from amongst you today who is superior to Jesus/Messiah. And O community of Shia! Don't insist that Hussain (RA) is your saviour...I tell you honestly that there is one from amongst you today who is loftier than Hussain (RA).  1
Blasphemy of Imam Hussain (RA) : O Shia nation! Don't insist that (Imam) Hussain is your saviour because I tell you truthfully that there is one among you who is greater than Hussain. 2
Mirza Claimed to be God: I dreamt that I myself am God and I believe that I was God.  3
Mirza Claimed to be God: In a revelation I saw that I was God and I believed that I was so.  4
 According to Qadiyani Belief           Non-Ahmadis are Kafir
1. God has revealed to me that anyone to whom my message has reached and he has not accepted me, he is not a Muslim.  5
2. All those Muslims who do not enter the fold of the promised messiah (Mirza Qadiyani), whether or not they have heard of the Messiah (Mirza Qadiyani) are considered Kafirs (non-believers) and are beyond the pale of Islam.  6
1. (Dafe-al-Bala 17, Roohani Khazain 18:233)
2. (Dafe-al-Bala, page:13, Roohani Khazain, vol:18, page;233)
3. (Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, page:564, Roohani Khazain, vol:5, page:564)
4. (Kita-ul-Bariyyah, page:85, Roohani Khazain, vol;3, page:103)
5. (Letter of Mirza Qadiyani to Dr. Abdul Hakeem Khan Patialvi)
6. (Aeena-e-Sadaqat, page:9/35 by Mirza Basheer-ud-Deen Mahmood)
3. Any person who believes in Moses but does not believe in Christ, or believes in Christ but does not believe in Muhammad (pbuh) or believes in Muhammad (pbuh) but does not believe in the promised Messiah, is not only Kafir (non- believer), but he is a confirmed Kafir, and out of the fold of Islam.  1
4. It is incumbent upon us that we should not regard non-Ahmadis as Muslims, nor should we offer prayers behind them, because according to our belief they deny one of the messengers of Allah. This is a matter of faith. None has any discretion in this.   2
5. Question: If a non-Ahmadi dies is it permissible to say “May Allah pardon him and grant him admission in the heaven?  Answer: The infidelity of the non-Ahmadis (Muslim) is a proven fact and it is not permissible to pray for their salvation.   3
6. Mirza Ghulam did not attend the funeral service of his own son (Fazl Ahmad)  because he was a non-Ahmadi (Muslim).   4
7. He who gives his daughter in marriage to any non-Qadiyani is a non-Ahmadi, even though he may call himself Ahmadi...It is also forbidden for our followers to participate in such marriage gatherings.   5
NOTE: There are hundreds of claims made by Mirza Qadiyani  which  are  so  disrespectful  and  shameless
1. (Kalimat-ul-Fasl, page:110 by Mirza Basheer Ahmad Qadiyani)
2. (Anwar-e-Khilafat, page:90 by Mirza Mahmood Ahmad Qadiyani)
3. (al-Fazl, Qadiyan, vol:8, No:59, Feb 1921)
4. (al-Fazl, Qadiyan, vol:9, No:47, November 15th 1921)
5. (al-Fazl, Qadiyan, May 23rd 1931)
that any decent person would feel embarrassed to read them. Mirza Qadiyani crossed all boundaries of morals and human decency in his claims. Therefore it is not appropriate for us to even mention those claims and aspects of his life in this booklet.
Mirza Qadiyani suffered from many diseases including Melancholia, Hysteria, Epilepsy, lifetime Dyria etc
1. At the time of marriage, my heart and brain were very weak and I was suffering with dizziness have been with me for long time; because of these I had bitterness (sadness) of the heart (depression).   1
2. Revelation was sent to me regarding marriage; at that time my heart and brain and body were very weak. Apart from diabetes and dizziness in the head and sadness of the heart (depression), I was suffering from tuberculosis also.  2
3. He (Mirza Qadiyani) used to keep very few fasts during Ramadan whose redemption was paid; and because of the suffering of an attack he broke one fast exactly at Maghrib (Sunset) time. He used to get attacks very frequently and his health was generally poor.  3
4. I suffer from two diseases: The first disease involves the upper part of the body and that is giddiness, the second disease affects the lower part of the body and that is excessive urination.  4
1. (Tiryaq-ul-Quloob, Roohani Khazain 15:203)
2. (Nuzool-e-Maseeh, Roohani Khazain 18:587)     3. (Seerat-ul-Mahdi 1:51)
4. (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, page:206, Roohani Khazain, vol:22-80)
5. Sometimes I fall on the ground from the severity of headaches. The giddiness reduces the amount of blood and slows its flow and circulation. This is very bad.  1
6. My memory is very poor. I meet a person many times even then I forget. I am so poor in memory and remembering things that I cannot explain.  2
7. Hazrat Sahib (Mirza Qadiyani) was a chronic melancholic. This illness was inherited. Mirza Saheb had a  maternal uncle whose name was Mirza Jamiat Baig who had one son and one daughter who both suffered from mental defects. The son’s name was Mirza Sher Ali. The girl’s name was Hurmat Bibi and she later married Hazrat Saheb.  3

1. (Braheen-e-Ahmadiyyah, vol:5, page:205, Roohani Khazain, vol:21, page:79)
2. (Maktubat, vol;5, page:31)         3. (Seerat-ul-Mahdi 1:51)
Research of                                           ancient & modern Oriented Clinics & Scientists                                                         about Melancholia disease: Patients make different Claims
1. According to Hikmat and Greek oriented system, this disease occurs because of a collection of black acidic material in the stomach. Whichever organ this material collects in, black vapours arise from it and climb towards the brain. The symptoms are: bitter eructations (belching), anoxia because of weak stomach, disturbed digestion, abdominal distention, loose motions, feeling of smoke like vapours climbing inside.  1
2. Melancholia is a disease in which abnormal ideas and thoughts occur. It is because of the extreme blackness of mood that the mind becomes deranged and the patient is very upset by darkness. Or else this disease is caused by too much heat in the liver. When the waste of food and gases mixed in intestines, it gives rise to blackish substance and then vapours from them ascends towards the brain, this is called gaseous Melancholia.  2
4. Melancholia is the change of thoughts from normal due to fear and disease. In some patients this disease
1. (Guide to the causes & symptoms of Melancholia by Allama Burhanuddin Nafees)
2. (Canon in Medicine, Fun-e-Awwal from book-3, Bu Ali Sena (Avecina)
progresses so much that the patient thinks he has knowledge of hidden things and often thinks they can predict the future. Later it progresses to such an extent that he considers himself an angel.  1
5. Patient's fanciful delusions are very frequently related to the same work he has been doing during his health eg if the patient is religious man, he claims prophethood and miracles, talks about divinity and preaches to people about it.   2
Melancholia Patient: According to Dr Shahnawaz Qadiyani
6. For a claimant of inspiration, if this is proved that he suffers from Hysteria, Melancholia or Epilepsy, then you don't need any other proof to reject his claim, because this is such a blow that his whole structure of truth is blown apart from his foundation.  3
Mirza Qadiyani and Alcohol & Drug addiction
7. Hazrat Maseeh Maw'ood (Mirza Qadiyani) made a medicine Tiryaq-e-Ilahi  (which he claimed to be by instructions from God) and its main constituent was opium; and this medicine after some increase in opium content was   given   to   Hazrat   Khalifa    (First  Khalifa  Hakeem
1. (Guide to Aetiology & Manifestations of disease of Melancholia by Allam Burhanuddin Nafees)
2. (Akseer-e-Azam 1:188 by Mohammad Azam Khan)
3. (Review of Religion Magazine, Qadiyani Date, Aug. 1926 by Dr Shahnawaz Qadiyani)
Nooruddin) by Hazrat (Mirza Qadiyani) for more than six months and he himself used it on and off during attacks of disease.  1
A Letter  written by Mirza Qadiyani
My Dear Brother Mohammad Hussain Saheb,                                                                                                   May God protect you,                                                                                                                                       Assalamu Alaikum
Mian Yar Mohammad is being sent now. Things to be purchased by you; purchase one bottle of Tonic Wine from Plommer's Shop but I need Tonic Wine, keep this in mind.                                                                                                                                                                         Rest is O.K.                                                                                                                                                          (Signed: Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani)   2
NOTE: See how clear it is now that Mirza Qadiyani’s claims of being the promised messiah, Imam Mahdi and Prophet were signs of a disease and not the inspirations or conversations with God. The problem was further compounded by the use of Opium and Tonic Wine. We pray that Allah (swt) guides Qadiyanis to follow the right path of Islam instead of following a melancholic patient and destroying their Akhirah.
Death of Mirza Qadiyani:  Loose Motions, Diarrhoea
The following is the account of Mirza Qadiyani's death narrated by his son Mirza Bashir Ahmad in his book “Seerat-e-Mehdi”:
1. (Article by Mian Mahmood Ahmed, Khalifa Qadiyan in Akhbar al-Fazl, Qadiyan 17:6, 19th July 1929)
2. (Copy of the letter written by Mirza Qadiyani himself in the book 'Khutiite-Imam banaame-Ghulam)
'Mother said, Huzoor (Mirza Qadiyani) had his first loose motion at the time of dinner. But after that we kept pressing his feet for some time. He lay down and slept and I went to sleep too. After sometime, he felt the need to go to toilet and probably once or twice he went to toilet to relieve himself. After that he felt very weak and shook me to wake me up. When I woke up, he was so weak that he lay down on my bed and I started pressing his feet. After a while, Huzoor (Mirza Qadiyani) asked me to go to sleep. I said no, I will continue pressing. In the meantime he had another loose motion. This time the weakness was so much that he could not go to toilet, therefore I made arrangements by the bed and he relieved himself there and then again laid down. I continued pressing his feet. But now, the weakness was too much. After that he had another loose motion and vomited. When he was lying down, he could not hold himself due to weakness and fell on his back and hit his head against the wood of the bed and his condition became very miserable. Upon this I said – O God, what is about to happen – he said , what I used to say'.  1


1. (Seerat-ul-Mahdi by Mirza Basheer Ahmad, 11:12)
Qadiyani Tactics to Misguide the Common Masses                                            about the Promised Messiah or Imam Mahdi
Qadiyani preachers use different tactics to misguide people. They avoid talking about Mirza Qadiyani's personal life and character as this is not worthy of being mentioned. Instead when  Qadiyanis encounter a person who knows little about Mirza Qadiyani then they gradually introduce them to Mirza's early writings which can influence a person easily. If they encounter a person has sound knowledge of Mirza's claims then they avoid discussing the meaning of “Khaataman-Nabiyyeen”. Instead they divert the argument towards the Promised Messiah (Jesus), his death and life, ascension to the heavens, and arrival of Imam Mahdi etc. The objective behind this is to falsely claim that Prophet Jesus (AS) was not taken to heaven alive but died.  Therefore (according to Qadiyanis) he will not come back to the earth before the Day of Judgment. They claim that the prophecies about the Promised Messiah in the Ahadith are not related to the arrival of Jesus, and instead they falsify that the Promised Messiah mentioned in Ahadith is Mirza Qadiyani.
The death of Jesus has no link with Mirza Qadiyani. This is an illogical argument that if Jesus has died we should accept Mirza Qadiyani as Prophet and/ or Promised Messsiah.
According to the Qadiyani belief, the Promised Messiah (Jesus) and awaited Imam Mahdi are not two separate personalities but both are combined in the form of Mirza Qadiyani. If we look at the character and personal life of Mirza Qadiyani, we come to the conclusion that Mirza Qadiyani does not even meet the criteria for being a decent person let alone a Prophet.
Through these arguments of the Promised Messiah, Imam Mahdi and Prophethood; Qadiyanis confuse Muslims who have little knowledge about Mirza Qadiyani. However the fact that  Prophet Jesus and Imam Mahdi are two separate entities is clearly mentioned in the Quran and Ahadith.
We are going to present the true Islamic view on Prophet Jesus and Imam Mahdi in the light of the Quran and Hadith in order to clarify this to Muslims.
Islamic view on Jesus (Prophet ISA (AS))
Prophet Isa (AS) was a great Prophet and Messenger of Allah. He was sent 571 years before the Holy Prophet (pbuh) to guide the Children of Israel. When the Jews planned to crucify him, Allah (swt) protected him and raised him alive to the heavens. An enemy who was pursuing Jesus in order to kill him was transformed (by the order of Allah) so that his appearance matched that of Prophet Isa (AS). It was this man who was then crucified instead of Prophet Isa (AS). Allah (swt) miraculously took Prophet Isa (AS) to the heavens and saved him from crucifixion.
According to Ahadith, Prophet Isa (AS) will descend on to earth by placing his hands on the wings of two angels; he will land in a mosque on the eastern side of Damascus in Syria at the time of the morning prayer '(Fajr'). He will kill anti-Christ (Dajjal) at a place called “Ludh” in Palestine. Prophet Isa (AS) will marry, have children and then will eventually have a natural death. He will be buried under the Green Dome of Masjid an-Nabawi next to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in Madinah al-Munawwarah.
It is important to stress that the Muslim Ummah is unanimous on the point that Prophet Isa (AS) was not crucified and was taken to heavens alive and will return to earth near the Day of Judgment.
Al-Quran: And (also) because of their uttering (the boastful claim): 'We (have) killed Allah's Messenger, the Messiah, Isa, the son of Maryam (Jesus, the son of Mary)', whereas they neither killed nor crucified him. But (in truth,) someone was made the like (of Isa-Jesus) in their view. But those who disagree about him have surely fallen prey to doubt (concerning) this (murder). They know nothing (what the truth is) except (that they are) following fancy. And they certainly did not murder Isa (Jesus). In fact, Allah lifted him up towards himself (in heaven) and Allah is Almighty, Most Wise.  1

1. (an-Nisa  4:157,158)
Qadiyani belief about Jesus                           (Prophet Isa (AS))
Iniatially Mirza Qadiyani claimed to be the Promised Messiah (Jesus) and for this reason he falsely made claims about the death of Jesus. According to the Qadiyani belief, Jesus was crucified and after his crucifixion he was brought back to life again; following this he traveled to Kashmir via Afghanistan. They claim he died at the age of 125 in Siri Nager (Kashmir) and was buried there and then reappeared in the form of Mirza Qadiyani (God forbid).
According to the Qadiyani belief the ascension of Jesus to the heavens was spiritual and not physical. They claim that Jesus and Imam Mahdi are the names used to refer to Mirza Qadiyani.  There is no evidence of this Qadiyani belief in the Holy Quran and Ahadith. Qadiyanis attempt is to draw Muslims into these arguments in order to confuse them in their faith.

The Return of Prophet Jesus (AS) before The Day Of Judgment Islamic perspective
Imam Mahdi (AS) , Dajjal and Prophet Jesus (AS)  will be present on earth at the same time.
Below are a number of Ahadith which refer to the events of his time:
Hadith-1: Abu Hurairah (RA) reported that Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: By the One in Whose hands is my life, definitely the son of Mary will soon descend among you as a just ruler, and he will break the cross, kill the pig and abolish the Jizyah (i.e. taxation taken from non-Muslims), and wealth will be so abundant that no one will accept it, until a single prostration will be better than the world and everything in it.  1
Hadith-2: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said: There is no Prophet between him (Jesus) and me. He will certainly descend. Recognize him when you see him. He is of medium height, of a reddish white color. He will wear two sets of yellow dyed clothing. Water will fall from his hair even if it does not rain. He will fight with people for Islam. He will slay the antichrist (Dajjal) and then remain for forty years on earth. Then he will die, and Muslims will perform the prayers for him.  2
Hadith-3: The Holy Prophet (pbuh)  said: Prophet Jesus (AS), son of Mary will descend upon the people  at the time when the Imam will come forward to lead the congregation for morning prayer. Upon Prophet Jesus’s arrival, the Imam will retreat walking backwards in order that Prophet Jesus (AS) comes forward to lead the prayer. However Prophet Jesus will place his hand in between the Imam’s shoulders and say; 'Come forward and lead the prayer, for it has been established for you'.  3
Hadith-4: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said: When the Dajjaal (anti-christ) faces him (Jesus), he (the Dajjal) will begin to dissolve like salt in water. He (Jesus) will say to him (Dajjal): “I have to stop you; you cannot escape.”  so
1.(Bukhari, No:2109)      2.(Abu Dawood, No: 4324)       3.(Ibn Majah, No: 4077)
Jesus (AS) will kill him with his spear at the gate of Ludd.  1

Mirza Qadiyani and the True Messiah
We learn the following from the Hadith literature regarding the Promised Messiah:
1)  The Promised Messiah's name is Jesus and his mother's name was Maryam.                                              2)  The Mahdi and the Dajjal will already have appeared before his descent to earth.                                               3)  He will descend from the heaven to the white minaret in the east of Damascus wearing two garments slightly dyed with Saffron and his hands will be placed on the wings of two angels.                        4)  Every non-believer who smells his breath will die and his breath will reach as far as he can see.                                                                                                                                                                                         5) He will kill the Dajjal at the eastern gate of Ludh.                                                                                                      6) The barbarous tribes of Yajooj and Majooj will appear during his time and the promised Messiah will take the believers to Mount Tur for their protection.                                                                                                               7) The Jews and Christians will believe in him before his death.                                                                                      8) Wars will cease in his time, as everybody will be in complete agreement with one another.                      9) There will be so much wealth that charity will be discarded as everybody will have enough wealth of his own.

1. (Ibn Majah, No: 4077)
10) In his time all harmful animals will be harmless and the venom will be taken out of all venomous animals. A child will put his hand in a snake's mouth and it will not harm him. A little girl will be able to chase a lion away and it will not harm her.                                                                                                                        11)  The earth will sprout with vegetation and will produce fruits in such abundance that a large group of people will gather to eat a bunch of grapes or a pomegranate and it will suffice them.                                                                                                                                                                                           12) The Promised Messiah will perform Hajj or Umrah from a place called Rawha.                                         13) He will be buried next to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in Madinah.
NONE of the above conditions were fulfilled by Mirza Qadiyani. His name was Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani and not Jesus; he was the son of Chiragh Bibi and not Maryam. The Mahdi and Dajjal did not appear before him and thus there was no question about him killing the Dajjal. He did not descend from the heavens and nor did non-believers die from his breath. The tribes of Yajooj & Majooj did not appear in his time nor did the Jews and Christians believe in him before his death. He did not elevate Islam but tried to insult it by claiming to be the Mahdi, the Messiah, and a Prophet. He did not kill the pig but enjoyed eating it. Wars did not cease in his time. The receiving of charity was not discarded nor was the venom taken out of venomous animals. He never performed Hajj or Umrah and he died in a toilet.
We are sure by now you have easily come to the conclusion that Mirza Qadiyani was not the Promised Messiah but an imposter and a liar.
Imam Mahdi will be the leader of Muslims near the Dooms Day. According to Ahadith, Imam Muhammad Mahdi will be born in the city of Madinah in a place called 'Qar'ah'. He will live in Madinah for 30 to 40 years.  After this, at the time of Hajj there will be 313 great spiritual personalities that will take oath on the hands of Imam Muhammad Mahdi between the Black stone and the station of Ibrahim in Makkah. Imam Mahdi's name will be Muhammad, his father’s name will be Abdullah, mother's name will be Aminah and he will be from the progeny of Sayyidah Fatimah (RA), the daughter of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). He will have a thick beard, a dot on his right cheek and a stamp of the blessed name of the Holy prophet (pbuh) between his shoulders. He will have a gap between his front teeth and light will shine from this. He will have wool clothes on his shoulders and will wear a turban on his head. He will be between the age of 30 to 40 years when he will come forward.
Hadith-1: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: The Mahdi will appear from my progeny, from the descendants of Fatima (RA).  1
Hadith-2: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said: If there remain in the world but one day, Al- mighty Allah will greatly
1. (Abu Dawood, No:4284)
prolong that day until he sends a man from me or from the members of my house. His name will be similar to my name and his father's name similar to my father's name.  1
Hadith-3: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: After the death of a Khalifah there shall be intense dispute and difference of opinion about whom should become the next Khalifah. Fearing he may get caught up in the dispute and made the Khalifah, Imam Mahdi will flee from Madinah to Makkah. However, to his surprise on reaching Makkah, some Makkans will bring him out of his house against his will and take him to Masjid al-Haram. At this point 313 (as has been mentioned in the Hadith reported by Hakim in al-Mustadrak) will force him to accept their Bay'ah between the Rukun (corner of the Kabah containing the Black Stone) and the place of Ibrahim. The news of his allegiance will quickly spread and thus an army from Syria will be sent to fight him. However, no harm will come to Imam Mahdi or his followers as they will be supported by Allah. The earth will swallow up the opposing army before it reaches Imam Mahdi at a place called Bai'daa (a flat piece of land between Makkah and Madinah). After seeing and hearing about these extraordinary events, the Awliya (pious saints) of Syria and Iraq will come to Imam Mahdi and take oath of allegiance to him between the Black Stone and the Station of Ibrahim.  2

1. (Abu Dawood, No: 4283)                                                                                                2. (Abu Dawood, No:4286)
Hadith-4: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: Allah will bring out from concealment Al-Mahdi from my family just before the Day of Judgment, even if only one day were to remain in the life of the world,  he will spread on this earth justice and equity and will eradicate tyranny and oppression.  1
Hadith-5: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: The true Mahdi will fill the world with justice and equality and the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth will be pleased with him.  2
DAJJAL (Anti-Christ)
According to Islamic belief, Dajjal who will have one eye and will appear at the time of Imam Mahdi. Every Prophet forewarned his people about Dajjal. Prophet Isa (AS) will kill Dajjal at the gate of Ludh.
Hadith-1: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said: No Prophet was sent but that he warned his followers against the one-eyed liar (Dajjal). Beware! He is blind in one eye, and your Lord is not so, and there will be written between his eyes (the word) Kafir (I.e disbeliever). 3
Hadith-2: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said: Shall I tell you something about the Dajjal which no Prophet has ever told his people before me? The Dajjal is one-eyed and will bring with him something which will resemble Paradise and  Hell;  but  that  which  he  calls Paradise will in fact be Hell. I warn you against him as Noah warned his people against him.  4
1. (Musnad Ahmed)                                                                                  2. (Musnad Ahmed)                                                                                                                        3. (Bukhari)                                                                                     4. (Bukhari, Muslim)
Hadith-3: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said: Let him who hears of the Dajjal (antichrist) go far from him for I swear by Allah that a man will come to him thinking he is a believer and follow him because of confused ideas roused by him.  1
Hadith-4: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said: Dajjal will come from the eastern side with the intention of attacking Madinah until he will get down behind mount Uhud. Then the angels will turn his face towards Syria and there he will be perished.  2
Hadith-5: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: In the meantime, while the Dajjal will be busy doing this and that, Allah will send down the Massiah, son of Mary (Jesus). He (Jesus) will descend down to the eastern part of Damascus, near the white minaret (tower), dressed in two yellowish garments, with his hands resting on the arms of two angels. When he will bow his head, it will be as if water droplets are trickling down, and when he will raise his head, it will appear as though pearl like drops are rolling down. His breath will reach as far as his sight reaches and it will kill the Kaafir. Then the son of Mary will go in pursuit of the Dajjal, and will overtake him at the gate of Ludh and kill him.  3

1. (Adu Dawood)                                                                                                       2. (Muslim)                                                                                                                             3. (Muslim)
Frequently asked questions on Qadiyanis
Q. Who are Qadiyanis?
A. Qadiyanis are also known as Mirzai, Ahmadi, and Lahori. They are group of people who do not believe that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the last Prophet. The founder of the Qadiyanis is Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani (1835 – 1908). He falsely claimed to be the Promised Messiah (Jesus); whose advent has been foretold by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and whose advent is awaited by Jews, Christians and Muslims. Mirza Qadiyani also falsely claimed to be Imam Mahdi (AS) as well as the last prophet. The entire Muslim Ummah do not consider Qadiyanis to be Muslims.
Q. How did the Qadiyani movement begin?
A. This movement started in India and was inspired and actively supported by the British colonial power. In the mid nineteenth century India was a British colony.  After the war of Independence (fought by the Indians in 1857) there was a conspiracy to plant the foundations of a new religion in the name of Islam through Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani. A delegation of missionary fathers were sent to India to assess the overall political situation and submit their findings in a report. This report was published under the title “The Arrival of British Empire in India” . The following is a relevant extract from the report of the Missionary Fathers and can be found in India office Library, London:
Report of Missionary Fathers
The majority of the country’s population blindly follow their “Pirs” (their spiritual leaders). If at this stage, we succeed in finding someone who would be prepared to declare himself a “Zill-e-Nabi” (Apostolic prophet) then a large number of people will rally around him. However it is difficult to persuade someone from the muslim community to do this. If this problem is solved, the prophethood of such a person can flourish under the patronage of the government. We have already overpowered the native government mainly by pursuing a policy of seeking help from the traitors. That was a different stage, for at that time, the traitors were from the military point of view. But now when we have sway over every nook of the country and there is peace and order everywhere we ought to undertake measures which might create internal unrest among the country.  1              

1. (Extract from the printed report, India Office Library, London)
Q. What is the background of Mirza Qadiyani?
A. His name was Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, son of Mirza Ghulam Murtaza, belonging to the caste of Mughal Barlas. Later he changed his origins and claimed to be Persian. He had a further change of mind and then claimed to belong to the progeny of Sayyidah Fatiamh (RA), the daughter of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). He was born in 1839-40 in Qadiyan, district of Gordaspur, Punjab India.   
Q. When did he claim to be a prophet?
A. The 1870s was a period involving debates between Hindus, Muslims and Christians. The Muslims did not initiate these debates but Muslim scholars were dominant and successfully winning the hearts of the Muslim masses. Mirza Qadiyani saw an opening to gain popularity and taught himself the art of debating against Hindus and became popular by 1877. In 1880 he published his first book “Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyah” and established himself to be a writer.  By 1884 he added three more volumes to the same book and in 1885 he claimed himself to be a Mujaddid, a Revivalist of Islam. In 1891 he claimed himself to be the awaited Imam Mahdi and a Promised Messiah. During this period he insisted that he was not a prophet declaring that such a claim would make him a Kafir (non-believer) and a liar. In 1901 Mirza Qadiyani declared, “by Allah in whose hand is my soul it is he who commissioned me and named me a prophet”. An important point to note is that Allah's true Messengers and Prophets received the revelation of their prophethood at a single point in time and not in a staggered manner claimed by Mirza Qadiyani.
Q. Why do mainstream Muslims not consider Qadiyanis Muslims?
A. Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the last Prophet. Believing in the finality of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is a fundamental belief of Islam. There are 130 Quranic verses and more than 210 Ahadiths (Traditions) of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) that clearly refer to the Finality of the Prophethood and Messenger-ship of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). Anyone who claims to be a Prophet after the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is an imposter and disbeliever. Therefore Qadiyanis are not Muslims.
Q. Still, is it possible that Mirza Qadiyani is a Prophet? May be Allah decided later that there needs to be another prophet?
A. No, definitely NOT. God is not short sighted to have changes in what he has decided. The traditions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) clearly state:
“In my Ummah there shall arise thirty liars, each of them will claim to be a Prophet, even though I am the last Prophet and there shall be no Prophet after me. (Abu Dawood)
So the Holy Prophet (pbuh) did warn us against fake prophets like Musailama Kazzab, Aswad Ansi, Sajjah, Mirza Qadiyani etc.
Q. There is a group of Qadiyanis who do not consider Mirza Qadiyani as a prophet. Who are they?
A. There is a group among the Qadiyanis who call themselves “Ahmadis of Lahore” (or Lahoris) and they claim that Mirza Qadiyani was not a prophet but “the Promised Messiah (Maseeh Mo'ud)”. This is their means of deception. Ahmadis of Lahore say that Mirza Qadiyani was not a prophet but the Promised Messiah and take Mirza as the sole authority to explain and interpret the Quran and Hadith which gives him authority to abrogate certain laws of Islam and invent new laws. According to Muslims, the position of both, Qadiyanis (believers in the prophethood of Mirza Qadiyani) and Ahmadis of Lahore, are identical and have nothing to do with Islam in spite of their claiming to be Muslim and using the symbols of Islam.
Q. Are there other more recent so-called Muslims who have claimed to be prophets?
A. Yes, there are. Just as the Holy Prophet (pbuh) prophesied that there would be thirty imposters before the Last Day who claim to be prophets, there have been some in recent years as well. One of the most famous is Elijah Muhammad, founder of the sect called “Nation of Islam” in America and another is Rashid Khalifah who founded the Submitters sect.
The real cause of dispute between Muslims and Qadiyanis
Islam is a religion of moderation and tolerance, it emphasizes interfaith dialogue and mutual respect between religious groups to promote harmony.
There are so many religions in the world including Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Budhism. Jews practice their religion according to their jewish beliefs; Christians practice their religion according to their Christian beliefs.
If Qadiyanis declared that they have their own separate religion; did not falsely promote their beliefs under the banner of Islam; did not call their places of worship mosques; did not use the Kalimah of Islam; did not call themselves Muslims and stopped using Islamic symbols then there would be no dispute between them and the Muslims.
Severe issues arise because Qadiyanis believe Mirza Qadiyani to be the Promised Mesiah, Imam Mahdi or a prophet better than all Prophets. By believing in this they reject the fundamental belief of Islam and come out from the ambit of Islam and still deceive people by calling themselves Muslims. For example, an analogy for this is if a random person opened a shop and then placed the logo of Sainsbury's or ASDA over the shop and sold products using the name of ASDA or Sainsbury's; or  if a person sold pork in a shop called 'Halal Meat Shop'. Such persons would be acting illegally as the law does not allow them to sell products using the name of other companies.
This is what Qadiyanis are doing. They are not Muslims but they pretend and show people that they are Muslims by using the names 'Ahmadi Muslim', Jamat Ahmadiyah etc in order to confuse the common masses.
In the light of evidence from Quranic verses and Ahadith of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) we can conclude that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani cannot be the Promised Mesiah (Jesus), awaited Imam Mahdi or a Prophet.
After claiming to be a prophet he included himself in the line of those 30 false prophets who will appear before the Day of Judgment (whose details are prophesied in the Hadith literature). Therefore all claims of Mirza Qadiyani are based on pure deceit. If we look at the character of Mirza Qadiyani then we come to the conclusion that he does not even deserve to be called a decent person let alone the Promised Messiah, Imam Mahdi or a prophet. May Allah protect Muslims from false prophets and other mischiefs of the world up until the day of judgment.



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